Personal Trainer for Pregnant & Postpartum Women
Move your body during pregnancy in a way that is safe and effective.
I teach and support moms to have a healthy body for mom and baby with a positive mindset during pre- and post-pregnancy.
My Signature Approach
The Pregnancy Plan Method
After 9 years of Personal Training at a corporate and boutique gym and becoming pregnant, I have taken my knowledge and created a formula that you can customize to your pregnancy or postpartum lifestyle successfully. You can apply this method right away to create your workout plan to prepare for the best possible labor delivery and recovery.
The Four Pillars
Labor Pains
Whether you enjoy a light cardio session or thrive on lifting weights, the Healthy Mom Academy is dedicated to meeting an expecting mom where she is at and building her strength and confidence of exercising throughout her pregnancy journey. It's fun, safe, effective, and carefully designed to ELEVATE YOUR WORKOUTS. Where will it grow you?
Pushing Power
Mindset growth starts with the right attitude and an awareness of the changes our body is experiencing. If you are thinking, “How can I create the healthiest baby possible?” you can’t go wrong. I am also here to support you on the days when you are just “not feeling it.” Working with a coach/trainer will MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
Energizing Your Body For Two
Pregnancy is an adventure. What you use to love to eat no longer satisfies your taste buds but you want to feed your body and baby in a healthy way. Eating without restrictions but understanding where cravings come from is an effective way to FUEL YOUR HUNGER. Mama, you got this!
Self Care
Permissions to Rest + Recover
Every day is a new adventure. Whether you are dreaming about a massage, running your next marathon, or simply trying to make it through your school drop-off and pick-up schedule, I am here to help you CONQUER YOUR DAY and feel your best! I have a feeling today is going to be great!
Podcast Guesting
You Can Listen To Me Featured Here
The Hey Hey Emmy Show
This Mama Means Business
Ready to move your body and find confidence in exercising during your pregnancy journey?
Get instant access to my free home pregnancy workout!
Let’s chat and see if working with a trainer is right for you.
There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.