I help moms stay active and healthy through pre-pregnancy and beyond.

Safe and Effective Workouts and Mindset Coaching to help you experience the best possible pregnancy, labor delivery and recovery.

Tired pregnant woman holding her belly and her head

Most pregnant and postpartum moms are exhausted and struggle to stay active.

Are you…

  • Feeling overwhelmed about which exercises are safe and effective for you and baby during pregnancy?

  • Having trouble finding the time in your schedule for workouts and not showing up for yourself even though you want to.

  • Having trouble managing hormonal changes, mood swings and the physical changes your body is going through?

  • Experiencing symptoms like pelvic floor weakness, bladder control, abdominal separation or trouble lifting heavy objects?

I believe feeling your best during pregnancy and postpartum should be easy.

Increase Your Strength

Boost your body’s power and energy for the best possible labor delivery and recovery.

Calm Your Mind

Develop a positive mindset and overcome mental barriers to achieve your goals.

Build Your Confidence

Feel amazing wearing your favorite little black dress as a result of healthy habits.

I get it. Trying to find a workout that’s safe during pregnancy is overwhelming. 

I know you want to be an empowered and active mom-to-be. In order to do that, you need to maintain a safe and effective exercise routine during your pregnancy journey. The problem is, there's a lack of reliable information on how to work out while pregnant, which makes you feel uncertain, and even discouraged about staying active during this special time.

I believe that every woman deserves to feel strong, energized, and confident in her body throughout her pregnancy and postpartum journey. Which is why, as a personal trainer with over 10 years of experience, I have dedicated the last 3 years to effectively support women in preparing for labor, delivery, and recovery.

Here's how my approach is unique:

  • I develop a personalized training program tailored to your lifestyle and preferences, avoiding generic plans or drastic, overwhelming changes.

  • I help you identify and set your fitness goals, providing you with the tools and training needed to achieve them and see tangible results.

  • I coach you through strategies that will ultimately prevent pregnancy-related injuries that block your progress.

  • I bring back the excitement and fun of 80's workout videos with high-energy exercises, letting you groove to your own beat and feel fantastic while doing it!

Embracing fitness and wellness during pregnancy is not just about staying active; it's about fostering a healthy and positive mindset for both mom and baby. When you invest in your physical and mental well-being, you lay the foundation for a smoother labor, delivery, and recovery experience.

Jenn Lathrop

  • 10+ years

    working as a personal trainer

  • Certified Oh Baby! Fitness®

    Pre/Postnatal Exercise Specialist

  • Authority Magazine

    Featured Article

  • Certified ACE Personal Trainer®

    Pre/Postnatal Exercise Specialist

  • 50+

    Moms supported with 1:1 coaching

Here’s what to do next…


Book a Discovery Call
Let's chat about your goals, your challenges, and how I can help you achieve them with confidence and joy. Bring all your questions!


Get 1:1 Coaching
Together, we’ll work through your customized plan that includes safe and effective workouts, nutrition guidance, and mindset coaching. You'll have the support and accountability you need to overcome your challenges and achieve your goals.


Enjoy Healthy Mom Life

Embrace your newfound love of exercise, an empowered mindset, and a healthy lifestyle—so you can show up as the mom you want to be.

“I was able to stay active and feel good during pregnancy because Jenn listened to my needs.”

  • “I came into Jenn’s coaching with a lot of issues from a car accident and didn’t have any experience with working out. Jenn was able to work with me on keeping my fitness journey alive through pregnancy. I was able to stay active and feel good because Jenn listened to my needs.”

  • “Just had my 36 Week Midwife appointment and she mentioned how impressed she was with my workouts and knowledge of muscles that were helping me strengthen my core and prepare for labor.”

  • "Jenn held me accountable and addressed any concerns I had and made the necessary adjustments due to limitations I was experiencing that would be a benefit for me. I’m so thankful to have not only trained with Jenn but also word’s can’t express how she helped me mentally.”

My Signature Healthy-Mom Method


Labor Pains
Whether you enjoy a light cardio session or thrive on lifting weights, the Healthy Mom  Academy is dedicated to meeting an expecting mom where she is at and building her strength and confidence of exercising throughout her pregnancy journey. It's fun, safe, effective, and carefully designed to ELEVATE YOUR WORKOUTS. Where will it grow you?


Pushing Power
Mindset growth starts with the right attitude and an awareness of the changes our body is experiencing. If you are thinking, “How can I create the healthiest baby possible?” you can’t go wrong. I am also here to support you on the days when you are just “not feeling it.” Working with a coach/trainer will MAKE A DIFFERENCE.


Energizing Your Body For Two

Pregnancy is an adventure. What you use to love to eat no longer satisfies your taste buds but you want to feed your body and baby in a healthy way. Eating without restrictions but understanding where cravings come from is an effective way to FUEL YOUR HUNGER. Mama, you got this!

Self Care

Permissions to Rest + Recover

Every day is a new adventure. Whether you are dreaming about a massage, running your next marathon, or simply trying to make it through your school drop-off and pick-up schedule, I am here to help you CONQUER YOUR DAY and feel your best! I have a feeling today is going to be great!

Work With Me

All my programs are designed with the tools you need to experience confidence in your workouts and strength in your body—so you can continue to grow as a mama during any stage of the journey.

Home Pregnancy Workout Plan

Download my FREE Home Pregnancy Workout Plan and learn the exact exercises and steps needed to create a healthy pregnancy experience so you can feel your best.

7 Days of Exercise During Pregnancy

7 Days of Exercise During Pregnancy gives mamas a taste of the practical exercises, nutrition and healthy mindsets that Jenn used in her own journey through pregnancy.

1:1 Coaching Programs

Keep your body healthy and strong throughout your pregnancy, postpartum and beyond. We focus on body movement, personal growth, nutrition, and accountability to reach your goals.

Starting at $697

If you don't prioritize your health now, you could set yourself up for more problems down the road.

Your and your baby’s health are too important to put at the bottom of the priority list.

Together, we'll work through a customized plan that gives you the support and accountability you need to achieve your goals, and create a healthy pregnancy and postpartum experience that will benefit your entire family. 

Listen to the (binge-worthy) Healthy Mom Blueprint Private Podcast!

My mission is to empower pregnant and postpartum women like you to stay active and maintain a positive mindset during pre- and post-pregnancy. As your dedicated personal trainer host, I'll provide valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories to help you create a healthy body for both you and your baby.
Together, we'll discover safe and effective ways to work out while pregnant and gain a deep understanding of The Healthy Mom Method. By the end of each episode, you'll gain practical knowledge and inspiration to take charge of your health and well-being during this crucial time in your life.


  • If you are healthy and your pregnancy is normal with no complications, it is safe to continue or start regular physical activity. Physical activity does not increase your risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, or early delivery. However, it is important to discuss exercise with your healthcare team during your early prenatal visits. If your health care professional gives you the OK to exercise, you can discuss what activities you can do safely.

  • Regular exercise during pregnancy benefits you in these key ways:

    · Reduces back pain

    · Eases constipation

    · May decrease your risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and cesarean delivery

    · Promotes healthy weight gain during pregnancy

    · Improves your overall general fitness and strengthens your heart and blood vessels

    · Promotes healthy weights loss post pregnancy

  • Ideally, pregnant people should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. An aerobic activity is one in which you move large muscles of the body (like those in the legs and arms) in a rhythmic way. Moderate intensity means you are moving enough to raise your heart rate and start sweating. You still can talk normally, but you cannot sing.

    You can divide the 150 minutes into 30-minute workouts on 5 days of the week or into smaller 10-minute workouts throughout each day.

    If you are new to exercise, start out slowly and gradually increase your activity. Begin with as little as 5 minutes a day. Add 5 minutes each week until you can stay active for 30 minutes a day.

    If you were very active before pregnancy, you can keep doing the same workouts while making some modifications on core exercises, positions and intensity.

  • Yes.

    The Healthy Mom Method is ideal for those wanting to safely learn how to exercise during pregnancy. Jenn teaches modified poses and strength training exercises that accommodate a pregnant body shifting balance. Sessions focus on connecting to the deep core and pelvic floor, two important components of pregnancy. They can help reduce stress, improve flexibility, and encourage stretching and focused breathing.

  • People with the following conditions or pregnancy complications should definitely consult their doctor before starting or continuing an exercise program during pregnancy:

    · Certain types of heart and lung diseases

    · Cervical insufficiency or cerclage

    · Being pregnant with twins or triplets (or more) with risk factors for preterm labor

    · Placenta previa after 26 weeks of pregnancy

    · Preterm labor or ruptured membranes (your water has broken) during this pregnancy

    · Preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure

    · Severe anemia

Postpartum FAQ’s

  • · It helps strengthen and tone abdominal muscles

    · It boosts energy and promotes healing

    · It may help prevent postpartum depression

    · It promotes better sleep.

    · It relieves stress

    · It can promote weight loss post pregnancy

  • Because the word “exercise” means something different for every person this answer will vary. Typically 6-weeks postpartum is the time where your doctor will clear you to begin a more “traditional” exercise routine. But before that 6 week mark depending on your pregnancy, birth and body you may be able to start with gentle movements such as short walks, 10-20 minutes along with some deep breathing exercises to connect to your deep core and pelvic floor.

    If you had a cesarean birth or experienced other complications, follow your doctor's activity guidelines until you're cleared to do more.

  • Aim to stay active for 20–30 minutes a day. When you first start exercising after childbirth, try simple recovery style exercises that help strengthen major muscle groups, including deep abdominal and pelvic floor activations. Gradually adding moderate-intensity exercise, such as squats, hip bridges and resistance band exercises. Remember, even 10 minutes of exercise benefits your body and mind.

  • NO. Peeing while running, jumping, sneezing or coughing is common but not normal. Experiencing leaking is a clear indication of pelvic floor dysfunction and should be addressed by your healthcare provider. The pelvic floor is a set of muscles that requires balance. Leaking can be a sign of imbalanced muscles that need either release or strengthening. Seeking a pelvic floor physical therapist along with joining a fitness program that complements therapy can help improve some of these symptoms.

  • Yes. The Healthy Mom Method revolves around the deep core. Jenn teaches you how to recruit your deep core muscles to help you heal and train the abdominals for optimal recovery. Women, who have participated in Jenn's training programs have noticed improved connection, strength and stability within their core. The techniques Jenn teaches have allowed her clients to return to exercises they love utilizing the tools they learned to protect their core.

The information in this Q & A page was gathered from the ACOG and my personal research and training experience with clients. Please consult with your medical provider to see if exercise is safe for you.
